Parenting Coordinator
A Parenting Coordinator (PC) is a neutral third party, usually an attorney or a mental health provider, who is appointed by the court to help parents implement the terms of their final court orders. A PC is like a “referee” who helps parents understand and implement the terms of their decree or paternity order to prevent further conflict and resolve issues as they arise.
How does the Parenting Coordination Process Work?
The process of parenting coordination is two-fold:
Mediation: The parenting coordinator facilitates discussion between the parties (either together or separately) and encourages the parents to negotiate and compromise whenever possible. A Parenting Coordinator will ask you to consistently focus on their children’s best interest.
Decision Making: Some court orders appointing a parenting coordinator will specify that the PC can make binding recommendations when there is stalemate between the parents. These binding recommendations are considered binding on both parties unless the aggrieved party files a motion with and prevails at family court.
Parenting Coordinators are not judges or arbitrators and their recommendations are not considered court orders. PCs have tie-breaking authority only on minor issues (ie, pick up and drop off times, makeup time, etc.). They cannot make binding recommendations about custody nor can they increase or decrease court-ordered visits. They are prohibited from making recommendations that would contradict existing court orders.
All our PCs have completed the AFCC Parenting Coordination training.