Strength, resilience, and new beginnings.
We chose the ʻōhiʻa as the centerpiece of our logo because of the tree’s incredible strength and resilience. This native tree thrives in the most rugged, barren environments. After an area is destroyed by a lava flow, the ʻōhiʻa is one of the first signs of life that peeks out from the barren rocks. Though the ʻōhiʻa lehua blossom is beautiful and delicate in appearance, the ‘ōhiʻa has deep, strong roots that block out toxic volcanic gasses so that it can survive the rough terrain.
The ‘ōhiʻa is a symbol of hope, resilience, and new beginnings. Divorce or separation is the loss or death of a relationship. Starting over can be daunting, but it is also an opportunity to rebuild a healthier, more fulfilling future for yourself and your family. Our job is to guide and support you during this time of crisis so that you can develop a new, stronger foundation that enables you to reemerge from the ashes. This beautiful flower symbolizes our hopes for our divorcing and separating families.
Our team is dedicated to the legal and best interest needs of children in Hawaiʻi. We support families in making the best possible decisions for children.
Stacy Fukuhara-Barclay, Esq.
Advocacy Partner
Stacy Fukuhara-Barclay is a founding member and partner at The Children’s Law Center, which is now known as Fukuhara & Blackstone — The Children’s Law Center, LLLC. She has been a licensed attorney since 1998. She is the leader of the firm’s Advocacy Department. Stacy is a grounded, steady, and trusted child advocate, recognized for her work as a Best Interest Fact Finder. She is an experienced Guardian Ad Litem (GAL), Parenting Coordinator (PC), Custody Coach, Custody Consultant, Best Interest Fact Finder (BIFF), and Child-Centered Mediator.
Stacy has been a long-time member of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, and regularly attends their conferences and trainings. Stacy has served two terms as the Chair of the Hawaiʻi State Bar Association’s Child Law Section and is the co-chair for 2023.
After almost 25 years of advocacy, Stacy newest project is a video podcast called “The Divorce Hui” with Dr. Allana Coffee of Honolulu Psychology Collective and Britt Young, LMFT. Each week, they discuss a topic relating to children and divorce. The podcast can be found at thedivorcehui.com. Their mission is to help parents raise a generation of healthy, resilient, productive adults. She is also passionate about trainings for professionals working with children in the family courts.
Andrea Blackstone, Esq.
Litigation Partner
Andrea Blackstone is a partner at Fukuhara & Blackstone — The Children’s Law Center, LLLC. and the leader of the firm's Litigation Team. Andrea is all fire and is recognized for her ability to litigate high conflict and delicate cases involving mental health issues, children with special needs, domestic violence, and substance abuse. Andrea strives to be both respected and feared.
Andrea is a graduate of William S. Richardson School of Law at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa and holds a certificate in both International Law and Pacific Asian Legal Studies.
Prior to attending law school Andrea worked as a Mental Health Case Manager for clients with severe and persistent mental illness. During law school, Andrea interned for six months with the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights under the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances and the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention. She volunteered for two years at The Hawaiʻi Immigrant Justice Center and worked closely with victims of sex and labor trafficking. Andrea also volunteered with the Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation and participated in legislation drafting that focused on a rehabilitative, rather than punitive system, for Hawaii’s youth. Andrea started with The Children’s Law Center as a paralegal in her second year of law school and never left.
Andrea’s goal is to protect children who are often forgotten during parental disputes, and to help parents create, “new beginnings” for themselves and their children.
Coco Brown, Esq.
Litigation Associate
Coco Brown is a William S. Richardson School of Law at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa graduate as of May of 2023. She is the newest associate at the firm, joining the Litigation Team as a summer intern in 2022. Her interest in family law stems from her desire to assist individuals in minimizing the emotional toll that contested divorce and custody battles can have on families. Her areas of interest are paternity, custody and relocation cases.
Maike Bicudo Celestino
Office Manager
Maike Bicudo Celestino is our office manager. He is a native of Brazil, where he graduated from the University of Vila Velha with a bachelor’s degree in law. In Brazil, he owned his own law firm and practiced in various areas of law including family, contracts, and tax. He handled more than 100 cases at time. In 2015, Maike came to Hawaii on vacation and loved it so much that he decided put down roots. Though he is not licensed to practice law in Hawaiʻi, he uses his valuable legal, business, and accounting skills to make sure that our clients receive the best legal services. Maike is trilingual. He is fluent in Portugese, Spanish, and English.
Nicolas Barclay
Legal Assistant
Nicolas Barclay is the newest member of our team. He will be starting his freshman year in college in the fall of 2024, where he will major in psychology. Upon graduation, he plans to go to law school and become a family law attorney.