A holistic family law practice committed to our client’s well-being, protecting children, and finding peace.
We strive to assist families in resolving issues with integrity and dignity, while minimizing the potentially traumatic impacts of Family Court. We are particularly distinguished in cases involving child custody, where the best interests of children are always at the forefront of our work. We are committed to settlement and compromise whenever possible, but if settlement is not possible know that we will do everything we can to help you find peace and wellbeing in the midst of separation, whether or not children are involved.
Andrea Blackstone, Litigation Partner and Stacy Fukuhara-Barclay, Advocacy Partner
Advocacy and litigation services to help you navigate to the best possible outcome.
Our advocacy and litigation departments work together to advise clients and provide an honest, objective assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of their case from a neutral advocacy perspective and from a litigation perspective. We educate clients on the realities of Family Court and the importance of compromise, especially when children are involved. We prepare clients for custody evaluations and connect them with professionals, including therapists and evaluators who can help you and your family in moving forward in the best way possible. Our Advocacy and Litigation teams function as a family by providing continuous training and support to one another in each of our areas of expertise, making us stronger together.